
We help you feel better.

The newest healthy lifestyle puzzle pieces at Fresh Start are our added spa services. Offering many options to help with healing, detoxification and rejuvenation, these therapies are a great added benefit to anyone’s health journey.

Our spa services include:

  • Therapeutic Salt Room
  • IonCleanse Foot Detox
  • Healthy Wave Mats
  • Vibration Plate

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Salt Therapy Room_Fresh Start Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Salt Therapy

Did you know, dry salt is absorbent, anti-inflammatory, and anti-bacterial?
Salt acts like a sponge, attracting foreign substances along its path out of the respiratory tract. Inhaled salt reduces inflammation, opening up airway passages, and eliminating foreign objects, leading to an improved immune system and increased oxygen flow. It’s like cleaning your body’s air filter!
Dry salt that falls onto the skin creates pH normalization and stimulates growth in the skin cells. Salt repairs and regenerates skin, leading to beneficial healing and cosmetic effects.
In a Salt Therapy Room, you will recline, fully clothed, in a zero gravity chair or on a comfortable bench, while relaxing in a darkened room with soothing music. All you have to do is just breathe.
For 30 minutes, tiny crushed micro particles of 99.99% pure sodium chloride is dispersed into the room and inhaled by you. Particles that you do not inhale will fall onto any exposed skin.
  • Allergies
  • Asthma
  • Sinus Infection
  • Snoring
  • Fatigue
  • Bronchitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Cold & Flu
  • Emphysema
  • Stress
  • COPD
  • Wheezing
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis
  • Rosacea
  • Skin Aging

Adults: $20 per 30 minute session
Seniors: $15 per 30 minute session
Kids 12 and Under: $15 per 30 minute session

Ioncleanse Foot Detox

Each day our bodies are bombarded by over 80,000 chemicals from such things like pesticides and herbicides, drinkware, paints, glues, and even the air that we breathe. These toxins are stored in our fat cells and can interfere with every system in our body.
An IonCleanse Foot Detox allows the body to relax and gently detox through electrical frequencies that create ions that attract and neutralize oppositely charged toxins. A 30-minute session is non-invasive, painless, and completely safe.
When you incorporate detoxification into any health program, other interventions are more likely to have a greater and faster impact on your overall health.
  • Reduced toxins and heavy metals in the body including Glyphosate, Aluminum, Cadmium, Mercury, and Lead
  • Better and Deeper Sleep
  • A Greater Sense of Calm
  • Reduced Brain Fog
  • Improved General Wellness

$30 per 30-minute session

Ioncleanse Foot Detox _Fresh Start Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Healthy Wave Mat

Our Healthy Wave Mats harness five key therapies that work synergistically together to provide multiple regenerative benefits. These therapies include Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF), FAR Infrared, Crystals (Amethyst, Jade, Tourmaline and Obsidian), Negative Ions, and Red Light.

  • Reduced Pain and Inflammation
  • Improved Circulation (Blood and Lymphatic Flow)
  • Enhanced Cellular Rejuvenation
  • Strengthened Immune System
  • Improved, Deeper Sleep
  • Promotes Healing
  • Detoxification
  • Reduced Tension, Anxiety and Stress
  • Balanced Brain Waves

$40 per 30-minute session

Vibration Plate

Standing for 10 minutes on our vibration plate can have many benefits.

  • Exercising and Toning Muscles
  • Increased Bone Density
  • Improved Blood Flow
  • Increased Lymphatic Drainage
  • Improved Balance

$10 per 10-minute session

Chiropractic + Clinical Nutrition = Better Quality of Life

Combine this puzzle piece with another wellness puzzle piece and reach maximum health and wellness.